2006 Current off-road products were having a shorter life span within the market place, mainly due to Asian copies. We soon realized that we needed new exciting on-road products, which couldn't be copied easily.
PDQ Get the price, design and quality right and you have a winning formula.
A creative company with knowledge and experience of the industry was crucial to fulfilling our requirements. A team who believed in our goals, and understood our concept of the final product was selected from the leading European motorcycle designers. Cutting edge C.A.D. technology was used to transfer the original design data into computerized virtual design, breathing new life into the process. The end result could be viewed and analyzed, ensuring compliance with the strict design and engineering criteria, prior to any physical part being produced.
Key structural components, including frame, sub-frame, swing arm, out-riggers and wheels, were subjected to F.E.A (Finite Element Analysis) ensuring long-term performance and durability.
Branding was the next step. We needed a name that reflected the product. Around the dinner table that night, my partner explained that she had jokingly been called McGilli because of her surname, and over the next few weeks we eventually changed it to Megelli. Checking the name out on the Internet there were only five results all relating to a small village in Italy, perfect!
2007 My Taiwanese business partner brought together manufacturing companies in China to produce tooling for our Motorcycles.
2007 September, gained Type approval,
October, achieved DOT approval.
October, production of Megelli Motard 125M
November, Product launch Milan EICMA show,
2008 March, product launch Canton Fair China.
May Homologation with SYM engines
September production Megelli Naked 125S & Megelli Sport 125R
September ADR approval (Australia)
2009 CE approval Motard 250M, Naked 250S and Sport 250R models
June Homologation with 250cc engines
2010 EPA approval USA
Megelli had grown into a global brand, which is a credit to our loyal distributors and end users. Like the designs, the demand was strong.
We needed a stronger partner; this was to prove the greatest challenge.
2012 Restyling of Megelli Naked S and Sport R models to incorporate larger airbox, fuel injection and packaging of components.
2013 Still looking for the right partner.
2014 Megelli distribution partner in Malaysia, were stronger and more experienced in producing motorcycles, so the decision to transfer ownership was made, creating a stronger future for Megelli Motorcycles.
2015 Forming of new Megelli global distribution company, Megelli Limited.
We can now focus on designing new products for you, our potential customer.
Watch this space.